Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

The Great Commission given at the end of Matthew 28 by our Lord Jesus is to disciple, teach, and baptize all people and people groups of the world as we live our lives and wherever we may go. Cornerstone's missions ministries, events, and trips all exist to proclaim the Gospel of Christ with the goal of winning individuals to the Lord, equip them in the faith, and establish churches that have that same goal. We define missions as any evangelistic effort outside of our local congregation - whether that be down the street, or across the world.
Cornerstone partners with many different missionaries and organizations that ranges from local ministry work to the other side of the world. We believe that the church has the message of hope that the world needs, and that partnerships and a local congregation base gives missionaries and evangelistic efforts a strong foundation to win others to the Lord.
Cornerstone partners with many different missionaries and organizations that ranges from local ministry work to the other side of the world. We believe that the church has the message of hope that the world needs, and that partnerships and a local congregation base gives missionaries and evangelistic efforts a strong foundation to win others to the Lord.
Child Sponsorship
GlobalFingerprints is a child sponsorship program through ReachGlobal. They have partnerships with churches around the world. Sponsorships allow children to go to school, have access to medical treatment, as well as exposure to the spiritual and emotional needs of a child. The program currently includes sponsorships for children from the Congo, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Liberia, Myanmar, Panama, the Philippines, and Zambia. Will you change a child's life for $35 a month?